An Actor Of Truth Getting Mugged By A Mugger Of Falsehood In A London Of Lies. Then Not. Or Something. Bitches.
The Coalition Of Those Getting The Fuck Out Of Dodge Following the lead of Spanish troops in Iraq, Honduras is pulling out like a teenage couple without birth control, "in the shortest time possible," according to Honduran President Ricardo Maduro. But fret not, Albania said it will be boosting its 71 symbolic troops and San Salvador is holding strong with its 380 soldiers. I wonder if Honduras' decision had anything to do with the announcement of Honduran death-squad motherfucker John D. Negroponte's ascent to the title of top US official in Iraq. I can't believe I could watch a 5 minute piece on Negroponte and hear the words "suave" and "charming" repeatedly and not once hear the phrase "death squads" or "pissing away over half a million in taxpayer dollars." Do these people have access to the same internet I do?
Good News! Iraq Is Uniting! Bad news! They're uniting against us! Maybe the thousand Iraqis (mostly civilians) that were killed this month (that I never hear or read about in US media) have something to do with the Sunni and Shi'a chumminess. Or maybe the parade of sweets and flowers is being delayed by the fact that life for Iraq's poor is worse under the US occupation than it was under Saddam. Or maybe nobody really gets cozy with foreign armies holding machine guns on their street corners.
Who Could Have Known About Hijacked Planes Being Used As Weapons? Not the Bush administration. But apparantly Tom Clancy, the CIA, the Italian government, that dude who wrote the X-Files and now NORAD.
Brilliant Propoaganda From CentCom Maybe they won't drop the nuke if we just tell them not to...
Tuesday's Homework is a gigantic NY Times piece about the private contractors (read: mercenaries) in Iraq that now number around 20,000 (isn't that more than the British contingent?) and are expected to soak up close to "25 percent of the $18 billion budgeted for reconstruction, a huge and mostly unanticipated expense that could delay or force the cancellation of billions of dollars worth of projects to rebuild schools, water treatment plants, electric lines and oil refineries." I wonder if ManPower Inc. will start shipping people over to Iraq for $10/hour?
-The Sikh Geek now believes that Soledad O'Brien is the Devil.