Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Damn That Liberal Media And It's Paeans To A Dead, Republican President! How Dare They Politicize This!

Um, NO Idea How I Missed This One
On Friday a disgruntled man in Granby, CO went on a "Tank" (remember that movie?) style rampage throughout town in his armored bulldozer... yes, I said "armored bulldozer". For an hour and a half Marvin Heemeyer selectively destroyed 13 homes and buildings, all related to his zoning dispute with the city, using a bulldozer outfitted with an impervious steel and concrete cage around the driver's seat. This little beauty also featured three cameras that Heemeyer used to steer with and rifles mounted to the front. When the vehicle became lodged in a building it was trying to trash, Heemeyer turned the gun on himself. It took the SWAT team two attempts with explosives to gain access before Heemeyer's body could be removed. Now that's what I call TCB.

--MC No Shame