Today's Top News: Even Laura Bush Mocks Her Husband's Pronunciation of "Nuclear."
Blair Wants Billions to Build New Nuke Weapons There's an arms race with Wales, you see.
Speaking of Nukes: US Military Wants to Give Regional Commanders Authority to Carry Out 'Preemptive' Nuclear Strikes Doesn't the Cold War, with its lower risk of nuclear weapons use, actually seem kind of quaint nowadays?
At Least 30 Killed in Bombing at Kurd Pol's Funeral About 130 people have been killed in insurgent attacks in the last four days.
Ohio GOP Treasurer Investigated for Investing $50 Million in Public Funds in Rare Coins; Now Hundreds of the Coins Are Missing Insert your own "penny ante" joke here.
US Grants $500 Million Annually to Torture-prone Uzbekistan But the key here is that they're torturing the right people.
-Consider Arms